Declaration of Faith

I hereby declare ...


I believe God came to earth

as a man named Jesus,

to tell me he loves me,

to die on the cross for my sin,

and to restore a right relationship 

between me and the Father.

I believe He rose from the dead on the third day,

and he ascended into heaven

so that His Holy Spirit can reside in my heart 

and lead me into a deeper understanding 

of the Father’s love.

I profess Jesus as my Lord and saviour.

I declare that I will love and serve Him 

with all my heart, 

with all my mind,

with all my soul and 

with all my strength.

I commit again today to  

put on the full armour of God and be 

the man that God intended me to be,

the father that God intended me to be,

the husband that God intended me to be,

and to live out His love in the wider community

before He comes again.

I believe in God the Father

I believe in God the Son

I believe in God the Holy Spirit

Our God is three in One.