
Building Better Men
Building Better Families
Building Better Communities

From our President

We're on a special journey here at LifeBlood.  Our mission is to give men, coming out of prison, time to rebuild their lives and go on to become: 

Better men

Better fathers

Better members of the community.

That process takes time, money, counselling, education, nurture, discipline and even tough love.  It doesn't happen overnight.

If you would like to help us on that mission, then we welcome your input in any of the following roles:

An affiliate - volunteer / service provider.

A non-voting member.

A voting member.

An advisory board member in a specialist advisory portfolio.

The following material will help define your involvement:


Affiliates are very welcome at Life Blood.

You are welcome to join us on 

or send your CV to ...
or phone the Prez.  0493 139 327

We suggest you get to know our   Objectives

Non-voting member

Non-voting members are very welcome at LifeBlood.

Non-voting members are regulars that agree with our Objectives and our Statement of Belief.

Non-voting members often have assigned roles, with job descriptions, that help spread the volunteer work-load.

The online application process will ask you if you've read and agree with the documents above. Please give consideration to the content.

During the application process, you will be asked for basic contact details including name, phone and email. We'll then ask for your permission to contact you using those details for membership and operating matters.  Your contact details will be stored securely in a Google Workspace and will not be shared with any third parties.

I would like to become a non-voting member of LifeBlood Australia Inc.

N.B. LifeBlood Australia Inc. currently has no Public Liability insurance.

Voting member

Voting members get involved in the major decisions of the association.

They uphold the:


Statement of Belief

Declaration of Faith

Voting members ...

will attend most Saturday mornings each year,

come to the Annual General Meeting,

pay an annual, monthly or weekly donation,

bring drive, discipline, initiative and a servant heart.

The online application process will ask you if you've read and agree with the three documents above.  Please give  careful consideration to the content.

You will be asked for basic contact details and to give permission to LifeBlood to contact you via phone and/or email for membership and operating matters.

I would like to become a voting member of LifeBlood Australia Inc.

N.B. LifeBlood Australia Inc. currently has no Public Liability insurance.

Advisory board member

People with specialist domain knowledge are welcome to join our Advisory Board.

Advisory Board members will be called upon in matters of:

Counselling & Psychology

Change Management and monitoring growth

Education and Training

Fund Raising and Grants


 Marketing and Communication

Public policy

Please contact our President, Eddie Pearce, on 0493 139 327 for a private and confidential discussion about your involvement.

The online membership application will ask you for personal contact information such as name, phone and email address.  This information will only be used to contact you for membership and operating matters.  Your information will be stored securely in a Google Workspace and will not be shared with any third-party organisations.

I would like to become a member of LifeBlood Australia.

N.B. LifeBlood Australia Inc. currently has no Public Liability insurance.